Sequatchie County Extension

Sequatchie County Extension

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Seven Steps Towards an Empowered Self-Esteem

Have you ever been guilty of saying:

“How can I be so studpid?”

“I know I will fail”

“I can’t do anything right.”

I call this trash talking! These negative statements contribute to our low self-esteem. 

Self-esteem is defined as a general feeling of self-worth.  Individuals who like who they are and feel good about themselves are considered to have high self-esteem.  People with low self-esteem may dislike themselves or hold mixed feelings about themselves.

Throughout our lives we are exposed to countless messages from different people, both verbal and non-verbal, that can influence how we feel about ourselves or affect our self-esteem.  Some messages come from parents, caregivers, and/or family friends starting at birth.  As we grow up we are exposed to more, and sometimes different, messages from peers, friends, people in the community and the media.  Building self-esteem can be a constant battle. So what can we do to create the confident image we desire?

1.     Enjoy life! When we enjoy what we do, we become good at it.  When we become good at a skill we gain appreciation and recognition from others which increases our confidence and makes us feel good about our accomplishments. So enjoy your work! Even if it is a boring and monotonous job, spice it up by setting targets for yourself and then work to achieve them.  For example: Start a song on the radio and try to have the house dusted before the song ends. (Remember to dance while you move to the music). Make sure to set the standards high and have fun!

2.    Enhance your style! Although our physical appearance plays a major role in our self-esteem, many of us choose to avoid that tiny detail.  We should make sure that we do justice to the features that we have been blessed with.  Men and women should make sure that their hair and face are well groomed, clothes well ironed and color coordinated.  Women make sure to at least wear the basics in make-up (foundation, lip color and a little eye shadow).  When you are well “put together” others will notice and that will give you an instant boost!

3.    Exercise! Regular workouts help the body release the negative toxins built up in your body faster.  The skin shines and you are more fit and in better shape.  If you are fit, you will feel better in your clothes and have more energy to accomplish the things you want to accomplish.  A fit person has a natural vibe of confidence that surrounds them.

4.    Energize yourself! Take time out for yourself. People often lose themselves in the rut and forget about their own needs and thoughts.  If we have an emergency mid-flight, who gets the oxygen mask first? The Stewardess will instruct the caregiver to place their mask on first and then they can assist their loved ones. Why do you think this is? If we pass out, we cannot be of assistance to anyone around us.  It is very important to give yourself first priority.  Set aside time each day to do something that you really want to do.  Also, make sure that you spend at least 30 minutes by yourself each day to reflect on the day’s events and to meditate.  This helps you bring understanding to you day and prepares you for the next day.

5.    Edify yourself! Make 3 X 5 index cards that have positive sayings about yourself.  For example: I am a compassionate person, I am creative, I am a great singer, etc.  Now you might not totally feel this way at the time that you are making the cards but you know in your heart that you have the seeds of potential within you!  Once the cards are made, keep them in a safe place so that when you feel at your lowest you can bring those cards out and look them over to help build up your self-esteem again.  You may also choose to place them in areas around the home where you will see them on a regular basis for that daily dose of reminder.  For example, you may place them in a book you are reading, on the refrigerator, on the bathroom mirror, in your purse etc.  These will serve as constant reminders of your good qualities.  Having trouble coming up with positives?  Ask your friends and family members to help list your good qualities.

6.    Embark on new advenutes! Make a bucket list of all the things that you always wanted to do in your life.  Look over this list and begin to set goals for each of these tasks.  Which ones can I accomplish in the short term, which goals will take longer to achieve?  What tasks need to be accomplished to make this goal a reality?  Now remember this list is by no means set in stone, it is just a personal list to keep you focused on your dreams and goals.  Try it out!  It is a great tool to make a pathway for yourself and your future!  May I encourage you to start taking chances?  Even if you are starting out at square one with no experience, in what you want to do, you need to try and take the first step at your dream.  Many of us are afraid to try because we are afraid of failure.  Remember it is better to try and fail than never try at all.

7.    Elect to have a strong self-esteem.  Many people give in to the slight depressions of life.  The important tool here is to accept the downs and expect the ups.  Once you come to terms with the fact that life will come with its set of failures, you will not get thrown off guard by them.  You will be more prepared, which will make their impact on your life less.  This in turn will help your self-regard increase.  Victory over defeat gives strength, you just have to see it.  Nothing and I mean NOTHING in this world is stopping you from building your self-esteem other than YOU! 

If you would like to learn more about this topic or other UT Extension Programs in Sequatchie County visit:

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How to Take Practical Steps in Building Self-esteem in Adults –

Maintaining a Positive and Healthy Self-Esteem: What Can Adults Do?

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension HE Form 550

Self-Esteem: Self-Esteem Can be Taught –


Self-esteem Activities for Adults –   

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