Sequatchie County Extension

Sequatchie County Extension

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Top Ten Reasons for your child to attend Summer Camp

Written by: Aneta Eichler, Extension Agent


            One of my fondest memories of childhood is packing my bags and boarding a great big yellow school bus with my twin sister.  We were off to 4-H camp!  I’m sure my mom was probably more excited than we were…a week with no kids in the house! J  I can still remember the excitement that coursed through my veins as I met new friends, swam every day, visited the craft house where I learned about leather crafting, participated in talent night and enjoyed the all night movie under the big pavilion.  I also remember the disappointment when I learned that I still had to do chores! YUK!  I had to make my bed, clean the cabin and serve in cafeteria duty.  However, completing these tasks with friends made it almost fun.  I would not trade my memories of 4-H camp for anything in the world (They have served me for well over 40 years…now that’s impact!).

            I still get to enjoy 4-H camp every summer and it is still one of my favorite job assignments!  I want to encourage you to consider sending your child or grandchild to camp with me this summer.  I have compiled the top ten reasons I think every child should have the opportunity to enjoy summer camp.

            10. Camp encourages healthy lifestyles and physical activity.  Many of our children are struggling with obesity and sedentary lifestyles due to video games, television and computers.  At camp they have the freedom to smell the fresh air, observe the stars under a moonlit sky, learn about native wildlife, canoe in the lake, play a sport or take a hike.  All this physical activity leads to happier, healthier youth.

            9.  Camp allows our youth to unplug.  Children leave their cell phones, ipods and other electronic devices at home for the week.  This gives children the opportunity to discover their creative side.  They are actually called upon to engage in the real world of trees, soil, water and wildlife.  Our children often suffer from “Nature Deficit Disorder”.  Camp can definitely remedy this situation.

            8.  Camp is a great place to learn new skills.  Children have the opportunity to learn new crafts, new games and new sports.  They might shoot a rifle for the first time or learn how to use a bow and arrow in archery.  They may develop their swimming skills or learn to play the most crazed game…ga ga ball!!  Learning a new skill can help bolster a young person’s confidence which will carry into other areas of their life.

            7.  Children learn to develop resiliency at camp.  The children are given an opportunity to meet new challenges face to face.  It might be as simple as learning a new skill or learning how to get along with others.  Each time the children are successful in conquering a challenge, they develop resiliency for the next challenge that comes along in their life. They can think back and remember another time they were challenged and overcame it.  This gives them courage to continue trying new things.

            6.  Camp builds independent children.  Camp gives children a safe environment in which to begin practicing independence.  They will be expected to make decisions for themselves, manage their daily choices, learn how to ask for help and how to resolve conflict without a parents input.  Children who become competent in self-managing their lives will also become better problem solvers.

            5. Campers have ample opportunities to develop social skills. When children share responsibilities within a cabin they must learn to cooperate well together.  There are chores to be completed which might lead to practice in resolving disagreements and most definitely requires healthy communications to get the job done effectively.  Each camper is expected to demonstrate respect for the others in their cabin, their leaders and the camp grounds.

            4. Camp is a fabulous place to belong.  Through silly songs and funny chants the children develop a strong sense of belonging to a larger group.  They share in similar memories that only that group of group of children will experience.  Usually the children can experience life without the labels often attached to them in schools.  They aren’t dyslexic or attention deficit, they are just kids having a really good time!

            3.  Campers can develop a powerful identity.  The camp staff and teen leaders work with each child personally to help them find something they are really good at.  Camp offers a wide range of activities that can encompass the abilities and interests of most children.  Children need to feel the confidence of self-worth.

            2.  Camp allows children to make new friends.  They will have the opportunity to meet other campers from several different Tennessee counties.  This allows them to learn of other 4-H programs and become knowledgeable of cultural diversity they may not otherwise experience.   Many of these campers will go on to see each other at various 4-H events throughout their career.  It’s always fun to recognize someone else when you are away from home.

            1.  It’s just plain FUN!!

For more information about our local camp dates and fees please contact the UT Extension office at 423-949-2611, email me at or visit 4-H Camp:

Jr. Camp                                  Jr. High Camp                         Electric Camp

Line & Design Camp               Academic Conference            Target S.M.A.R.T. camp

Behind the Scenes Camp        Quilt Workshop                       Hand-crafted Workshop

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fighting Fair

When fighting, we portray one of three different personality traits.  Some of us fight with aggression.  We are yellers, stompers, slammers and all out fit throwers. (You know who you are.)  Others fight by being passive.  We retreat into our shell like a wounded turtle.  We might not speak for days and withhold affection or acknowledgment to the one that has angered us. (Be honest and admit it.)  There is a better way to resolve conflict, Assertiveness.  When we use one simple communication tool, our conflicts can become areas of healthy discussions and problem solving sessions instead of battle fields where everyone loses.

An I message is a simple three-part statement that informs others (a) how you feel, (b) what event or what action bothers you, and (c) what you would like to have happen differently.  The first benefit of an I message is its ability to neutralize an argument. An I message does not blame the other person and does not sound judgmental.  For example: Instead of saying, “you make me so angry,” you might say, “I feel angry when…”.  You messages usually make the listener feel attacked and angry.  The response is likely to be negative and lead to an argument.  On the other hand, a simple I statement may result in a more helpful, cooperative response for solving the problem.

I messages also give the passive and/or the aggressive personality trait a healthy voice on which to be heard. The second part of the I message allows the sender to calmly voice what situation is making them uncomfortable.  For example: You might be angry when your spouse is habitually late to dinner.  You might say, “I feel disrespected when I prepare a meal for our family and you arrive home late.”  This allows the receiver to actually hear the problem being stated without engaging in a shouting match or experiencing the silent treatment. 

The third part of the I message opens up the door for healthy problem solving.  Once the feelings and the cause have been identified, the sender may now make a recommendation for what would make the situation better.  For example: You might say, “I would appreciate you calling home by 4:00 when you know you are going to be late.” This suggestion allows the receiver to respond with agreement or to make other suggestions that might work for both parties.

It takes some time for I messages to feel natural in conversation.  Think about what you want to say before you deliver the message.  Use the formula for an I message to help you express what you want to say. You might even want to write your message down to make sure it says what you feel and what you want without accusing the other person.  Remember the formula:

I feel (insert feeling word or phrase) when (say what happens that makes you feel that way).  I would like (tell what you would like to have happen in the future).

If you would like more information on healthy communication skills, contact the Extension office at 423-949-2611 or visit our website  or like us on Facebook.   


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

Many of you may remember the Abbot and Costello routine “Who’s On First”.  How many of you have ever felt that your conversations fell into this comedic routine?  This is a fine example of how we often miscommunicate with one another.  We send from 300 to 1000 messages each day.  Is it any wonder that sometimes things get mixed up along the way?  With every message there is a sender and receiver.  Both the sender and receiver can develop skills that make communication effective and reduce conflict and misunderstanding.  

 Active listening is the responsibility of the receiver.  This is a tool to make sure that the receiver understands what the sender is saying.  In order to be an active listener one must listen to the words being said, watch the body language of the sender, hear the tone of voice used, and interpret what was said based on all of those clues.  Once the receiver has interpreted this information, it is their job to reflect back to the sender what they understood to be the message.  (Didn’t know listening was such hard work did you?) Here are some tips to make your job more successful:

·         Give your full attention to the person speaking.  Get rid of distractions (cell phone, radio, tv).

·         Focus on the speaker’s message by listening for the main idea.  Try to get the point of what someone is saying rather than remembering every word.

·         Show your interest.  Lean toward the speaker.  Give the speaker eye contact.  Nod at or encourage the speaker to continue. (Body language makes up over 80% of our communication)

·         Remember what the speaker has said.  Repeat what you understood the speaker to say.  They can validate or correct your understanding.

·         DO NOT INTERUPT THE SPEAKER.  Our family uses a talking stick to serve as a visual tool to remind us to listen completely to the one speaking.

The rewards of being a good listener are sometimes reaped instantly in a closer relationship with your spouse, child, family member, friend or co-worker.  Other times the rewards may be reaped years later.  Just remember that the practice of communication skills is not always easy.  You may find you make some mistakes along the way.  Remember to keep the overall goal of being a good listener in mind and keep practicing.  I can make a difference in how you feel about yourself and the recipient will certainly be healthier because you listened to them.

If you would like more information on healthy communication skills, contact the Extension office at 423-949-2611 or visit our website or like our Facebook page. 
University of Tennessee Extension and Tennessee State Cooperative Extension Service - Family      
         and Consumer Sciences (2013).  Parenting Apart: Effective Co-Parenting.
Fulleylove-Krause, Faden and Hagen-Jokela, Rebecca (1995). Positive Parenting: Listening is a Love 
         in Action.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Planning and Preparing your Vegetable Garden

By Sheldon Barker

It may just be March but it’s time to be planning for your summer vegetable garden. A little planning can save you money, time, space and work. You can also improve the yields in your garden with a little preparation. If you have had gardens in the past, think about your past experiences and past gardens. What varieties did you like or not like? What varieties did the best? Did you have any problems? Would you like a bigger garden or a smaller one? Do I have enough space? What will my family eat? How much will my family eat?

There are several steps to a successful garden. First, consider the location and size. As a general rule of thumb, each person in the family will need about 2,200 square feet of space to provide enough vegetables to use fresh, canned or frozen. However, starting small is recommended if you are new at gardening. A garden will need at least six hours of full sunlight. While some plants will tolerate some shade, full sunlight will produce the best gardens. Also, the closer the garden is to the house the easier it will be to monitor for pest, keep watered and weeded, and to pick ripe vegetables.

The next consideration is soil. An ideal garden soil is deep, fertile, well drained with a medium texture. These soils are often dark in color however color is not a perfect guide to soil quality. A soil test from the University of Tennessee Extension can answer several about a soils fertility. Contact the UT Extension office for details on how to conduct a soil test.

Thirdly, consider your plant choices. What crops do you want to grow? How much space do they need? How long will it be until the plant reaches maturity? Considering these questions will help you place your crops in the garden. Check out the UT Extension publication “Growing Vegetables in Home Gardens” which can be found on line or at your local extension office. When buying transplants, look for healthy plants, and when buying seed make sure they are seed packaged for this year and not out dated.

Finally, consider doing a little research along the way. Keep notes during the year. What problems did you have, what worked, what did not work or what new variety do you want to try next year? Also, you may want to check out the publications that the University of Tennessee Extension offers on gardening or attend the Annual Sequatchie Valley Master Gardening Workshop. For more information contact the Extension office at 949-2611 or email your questions to